Briar Hill Infant School
Year Two
Read the information below and click on the ROCKET icon for information about our Year Two learning each term.
Transition Books
Welcome to Year Two
On behalf of the Year Two team I would like to offer a very warm welcome to both you and your child. This Year Two page will provide information about some of the fabulous learning experiences throughout their year. Through our systematic phonics/spelling, reading, writing, maths and foundation subjects we stimulate interest and enquiry through interesting texts and a knowledge based curriculum. Our progressive curriculum has carefully been designed to encourage all children to learn and remember more over time as well as develop their independence and Building Learning Power skills. Please also look at our 'Learning in Action' page on the Federated tab for stories and videos of learning in Year Two. Our 'Curriculum' tab will also provide an insight into learning in all subjects, with all curriculum planning available for you.
Our vision for all: 'Flourish and a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!'
Read Our Year 2 Curriculum document above, which sets out curriculum content, alongside the half termly knowledge organisers which can be found in each term folder and provide you and your child with the prior knowledge expectations, key vocabulary and concepts we will be teaching each half term.
If you have any questions of queries please do contact us via our year group email:
Kind regards,
Mrs Leng and Mrs Harwood
Key Stage One Lead and Assistant Head
Our Wonderful Year Two Team:
Class teacher: Miss Crombie
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs White
Class teachers: Mrs Leng
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Farmer
Class teachers: Mrs Clark Brooks and Mrs Geach
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Arthurson
Online Safety
This site gives some great advice on keeping safe online. Please have a look and read the appropriate information for the age of your child.