St Margaret’s CE Junior School
Snacks and Drinks
At St Margaret’s we love to keep fit and healthy and provide children with positive messages, knowledge and opportunities to make healthy lifestyle choices. We recognise that a mid-morning snack can fill hungry tummies, help with concentration and boost energy levels but also promote the importance of eating healthily by setting clear guidelines for morning break time snacks.
Morning snacks can be any of the following – send to school as they are or in a snack pot:
- Fruit (raw or cooked)
- Vegetables (raw or cooked)
- Cheese
- Bread sticks (no nut traces or seeds)
Snacks such as cereal bars, crisps, sweets, chocolate, biscuits, and cake are not allowed for morning break time snacks.
School staff also help to encourage healthy eating by avoiding ‘edible rewards’ in the classroom.
All children should bring a water bottle to school every day. We have water machines in several areas in school so the children can top up their water bottle when required.
Nut Free School
We are a ‘Nut Free School’ and some snacks, such as cereal bars, contain nuts, seeds and even nut traces which can cause harm to some of our children with severe nut/seed allergies. Even the smell or touching these foods can cause children to have an allergic reaction. No nuts should be brought into school at any time, including nut spreads such as peanut butter and Nutella. We appreciate the support of all parents and carers when considering the content of packed lunches sent into school. Thank you in anticipation of your support in promoting healthy lifestyle choices.