The Federation of Briar Hill Infant and St Margaret’s C of E Junior Schools

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Briar Hill Infant School

Building Learning Power (BLP)

Mrs Foreman is our Building Learning Power lead


At Briar Hill we are committed to building young people’s learning power; not just what they are learning, but more importantly learning how to learn. We apply Professor Guy Claxton’s pioneering work on helping young people become better independent learners, which suggests that there are four learning dispositions - Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness and Relating. Just as people go to a gym to develop their physical fitness, pupils come to Briar Hill Infant School to develop their learning fitness. Building Learning Power is an integral part of lessons, assemblies and all that we do.


The four R’s have various ‘learning muscles’ which can be stretched, trained and made more efficient:
Resilience - Perseverance, Managing Distractions, Absorption, Noticing
Resourcefulness - Questioning, Capitalising, Making Links, Reasoning, Imagining
Reflectiveness - Planning, Meta-learning, Distilling, Revising
Relating - Imitation, Interdependence, Empathy and Listening, Collaboration

Please open and read the leaflet below for further information about BLP

Our children use BLP vocabulary and have a greater understanding about positive and effective attitudes to learning.


Children using their Learning Powers at Briar Hill School


View Our Slideshow.

Welcome to Briar Hill and St Margaret's!...Our Federation vision: 'Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!'...Our St Margaret's Christian vision: 'How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.' (Psalm 133)