St Margaret’s CE Junior School
Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Welcome to Year 5’s page on our school website. Here you can find photographs of the Year 5 classes in action, copies of letters we send home, key information for daily routines and the Year 5 curriculum, useful websites and examples of our wonderful work.
Please keep making regular visits to check out what Year 5 are up to!
Should you have any issues please contact the Year 5 team on
Thank you for your continued support.
Team Year 5 🙂
Please click on the school logo below for information about our Year 5 learning each term.
Explore the exciting learning we have been doing in Year 5 by clicking HERE
New to Year 5 Parent Meeting
Useful Information
Please remember to use our Year 5 email address if you would like to contact us. Use to inform us of alternative pickup arrangements, notify us of any important information or to clarify any queries you may have.
Pupils should come to school every day with all the equipment they need. They will need the following: A small named pencil case, HB pencils, clear shatterproof 30cm ruler, blue handwriting pens, rubber and sharpener. Children can also bring in glue sticks, gel pens, pencil crayons, highlighters and felt tips if they like but these are not essential.
Please note, your child may come into school wearing their Federation P.E kits on BOTH their outdoor and indoor P.E days.
SM7 - Outdoor P.E on Fridays Indoor P.E on Thursday
SM8 - Outdoor P.E on Tuesday Indoor P.E on Thursday
SM9 - Outdoor P.E on Fridays Indoor P.E on Thursday
Diaries will be collected and checked every Monday.
Timetable Rockstars, My Maths (maths) and (English) will be set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday. Diaries are collected in on a Monday morning and checked for reading.
Every week, pupils should also do:
Please sign your child’s diary every week.
Additional home learning resources:
Mobile Phones
Children are permitted to bring in a phone IF agreed by parents.
Phones must be handed into the Class Teacher first thing, switched off. They are kept securely and returned at 3.15pm. Phones must remain switched off until off the school site.
Nut Free School
Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school. Pupils are allowed to bring in snacks of fruit, vegetables, plain bread sticks or cheese to eat at morning break. Thank you for your support with this.
Our Year 5 Breaktime Charter
We are pleased to share with you the wonderful work Year 5 have been undertaking in our PSHE lessons. You may wish to speak to your child about what they have been discussing in these lessons and they can share with you some of the mature and considered steps they have taken to make playtimes at St Margaret's 'fun for everyone'.
After collating many responses from our pupils, we have been able to come up with our Year 5 playtime charter, as agreed by the most important stakeholders - the children!
We know that everyone in Year 5 has already begun to to do their best to implement and follow our new charter. This will help make playtimes fun for everyone.
A huge well done to all of our Year 5 children for having such amazingly mature conversations over the last term!
Useful links
Prayers you might find helpful
You can access Scratch for coding on our Welearn365 site using your email address and normal school password or you can use the following links...