St Margaret’s CE Junior School
Welcome, Vision and Values
It is my utmost pleasure to offer all of our website visitors a very warm welcome to
St Margaret’s CE Junior School!
Flourish as a Family, Love to Learn, Make Memories, Shine
We hope that our website will give you a real flavour of our caring and vibrant church school where children, families and staff live well together and flourish as one happy school family.
St Margaret’s CE Junior School is a friendly and successful 3-form entry junior school set in delightful extensive grounds and proudly serving a diverse and evolving local community. Our high expectations and strong Christian identity have enabled us to be a popular and highly regarded school, where all children are encouraged to take an active interest in their learning and acquire the knowledge, skills and values to live life in its fullness as they ‘shine as a light in the world’.
In June 2023, our SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection acknowledged us as an ‘Excellent’ church school. Our “well-established nurturing culture has created a learning community with high expectations and a deep sense of wellbeing for all.”
“St Margaret’s is a beacon that shines its light on the community. The Christian commitment to ‘live together in unity’ makes this truly inclusive school innately flourish as one family.”
(SIAMS Inspection June 2023)
See the full SIAMS report here:
Here are some of our wonderful St Margaret's pupils talking about our Star School on our local radio station, BBC CWR. We were featured for a week in June 2023.
19_06_Miss McAleese.mp3
Our Christian Vision
How good and pleasant it is, when God’s people live together in unity!
(Psalm 133)
Our Christian distinctiveness creates a loving Christian family ethos, which enables all members of the school community, children and adults, of any faith or none, to flourish. Strong, positive and mutually respectful relationships are valued and forged between the school, our families, the church and the community we serve. At St Margaret’s we provide an inclusive curriculum taught within a supportive, safe and nurturing environment, rooted in Christian beliefs, where the unique qualities of each child and adult are recognised and celebrated; all feel respected and valued as we live out our Christian vision and associated values of love, courage, hope and service.
Find out why we chose Psalm 133 verse 1 as our St Margaret's Christian vision HERE.
Find out more about our Christian values HERE.
“A culture of keeping pupils safe and secure is at the forefront of the work of leaders, including governors, and this includes knowing pupils well … (staff) expect high standards from pupils and this can be seen in pupils’ conduct as well as the pride that they take in their work”
(Ofsted 2017)
Invitational, inclusive and inspirational collective worship is a highly valued and an integral part of our school day, strengthening our sense of unity, shared values and Christian identity. This strong heartbeat of our school offers opportunities for children and adults to reflect upon moral and philosophical ideas; learn about local and world events; acknowledge, respect and celebrate the diversity of our school and global communities; and develop their understanding of their place in the world.
Please click on the purple writing to find out more about our Christian Vision and Collective Worship.
Our Federation Vision
Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!
We are very proud to be federated with Briar Hill Infant school. Our shared Federation vision, coherent curriculum, ethos and practices ensure a smooth transition for children transitioning across the federation, plus offers a warm, family welcome to children and their families new to the federation community. To enable us to be the best we can be, we embrace and celebrate links with a range of partners, including the St Margaret’s Church community, Coventry Diocesan Board of Education (DBE), local schools and a variety of professional organisations.
Most importantly, we value positive and mutually supportive relationships with parents and carers, communication is key so that we can best work together to support the children’s learning, progress and wellbeing. Read some feedback from parents on our testimonials page.
We believe that learning should be relevant, challenging, exciting and fun – for the children, families and the staff! Our highly talented team of dedicated and enthusiastic teachers and support staff at St Margaret’s and Briar Hill, have worked hard together to create our rich, broad and innovative Federation curriculum which captures and ignites children’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder.
Click on the purple writing to find out more about our amazing curriculum in the Curriculum, Year Group and Learning in Action pages.
Our rich, engaging and ambitious curriculum provides each child a learning journey filled with a wealth of memorable experiences and opportunities for developing a lifelong love for learning and setting foundations for further learning and fulfilment of their aspirations. We carefully track the progress of every child and, alongside excellent pastoral care and SEND provision, ensure that every child receives the support, challenge and nurture that they need.
“St Margaret’s staff are dedicated and work hard to understand all pupils and their needs. All staff are firmly focused on pupil’s strengths to build confidence and independence and know how important nurturing relationships and high expectations are for pupils with SEND. The school is committed to developing positive relationships with families and collaborating with external specialists. Everyone at St Margaret’s wholeheartedly places the child at the centre.”
(Warwickshire SEND Support)
Our children are articulate when talking passionately about their learning. Purposeful teaching and learning strategies motivate the children enabling them to learn more and remember more, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and virtues to flourish, academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
As a result of our Christian vision, quality of teaching, excellent pastoral care and opportunities beyond the classroom (such as, school clubs, courageous advocacy projects, trips and sport events), our children are inspired to develop independence and confidence, think critically and constructively, have healthy lifestyles and stand up for themselves and others. Every member of the school community is encouraged to make the most of every opportunity and challenge. By doing this they develop in character, resilience and tenacity to strengthen their self-belief and become equipped to flourish and shine as active, courageous, respectful and responsible citizens.
Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find all the information you are looking for. Please click on the links below to discover more about our Christian Distinctiveness, Christian vision and values. You can also find examples of our Federation vision and St Margaret’s Christian vision in action and find out more about our amazing Federation curriculum, including hearing our subject leads talk passionately about teaching and learning in their subject.
If you would like to learn more about our school, please contact the school office on 01926 426216 to arrange a discussion with myself or a visit to the school. You will be made most welcome and have a chance to see first-hand what it is that makes St Margaret’s such a wonderful place in which to work and learn.
Thank you for visiting!
Ruth Anstee
(Head of School)
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
(Psalm 133)
Please click on the purple text to find out more on our Christian Vision, Christian Values,
Courageous Advocacy and Character Education at St Margaret's.
We are a school that is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff, community and parents to share this commitment.

A 'Thank You' poem written by one of our pupils
Thank you to the teachers who give us our education,
who also teach us life skills, like how to use our imagination.
Thank you to the cleaners who keep our school germ free,
you could even look for miles but there is no dirt to see.
Thank you to the dinner ladies who cook our delicious food,
always sweet and kind, never ever rude.
Thank you to the teaching assistants who gives us a helping hand,
who help our work meet our expectations and make sure we understand.
Thank you to the supervisors who take care of us at lunch,
who help make our break enjoyable, so for that we say “thanks a bunch!”
Thank you to the headteachers who get our school up and ready to go,
who stay there for a while, help us and watch us grow.
Thank you to the caretakers who open and lock up the gate,
fix everything around the school; aren’t they just great?!
Thank you to the office staff who organise all our trips,
who hand out and collect in the important forms and slips.
Thank you to the PE coaches who keep us healthy and fit,
who teach us teamwork and how not to quit.
This place is amazing and the best school to be at,
to all the staff at St Margaret’s we thank you for that!