St Margaret’s CE Junior School
Christian Values
How good and pleasant it is, when God’s people live in unity!
(Psalm 133)
As a Church of England School, we seek to be a loving Christian family in which children of whatever background and faith or non-faith belief may grow happily in understanding, knowledge and confidence, under-pinned by the positive Christian values which shape our school.
Children, staff and governors at St Margaret’s CE Junior School have selected four core Christian values which link with our Christian vision and are used to enable and encourage the children to reflect upon Christian values and beliefs. Knowledge of these core Christian values, and other values associated with them, are introduced and built upon in collective and class worship, RE lessons and other opportunities throughout the curriculum. Alongside these Christian values, we also cover British values and make links to values shared across religions and positive life values, such as The Golden Rule.
We have chosen Biblical quotes which relate to each of our core Christian values that strengthen learning and understanding of how these our Christian vision and associated Christian values may be embraced and lived out by everyone in the school community.
Parents, carers and families play an important part in children’s spiritual development. We strengthen links with our school families through regular Christian Vision Newsletters. Home School Values activity sheets also offer families opportunities to continue to discuss spiritual themes at home, including exploring Christian values linked to our St Margaret’s Christian Vision.
Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!
Home School Values Activity Sheets
| Our Linked Values |
LOVE Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 | Kindness Honesty Forgiveness Compassion |
Why did we choose this value?
Love is a very important value to us as a school. Love underpins everything that we do. It is very much ‘the why’ of who we are. Love is evident in our relationships with each other. It is Love that guides us, as a school family, in all of our actions and enables us to ‘Flourish as a family’.
What makes Love a distinct Christian value?
We see love shown in the Christian narrative in many ways. Christians believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection were all because God loved us and wanted us to be made right with Him again. This was the ultimate expression of love.
Almost every Christian story has at the heart of it the love of God. For example, the Passover, Abraham and Isaac, The Good Samaritan, Calming of the storm and so on. There are many types of Love shown in the Bible Love for family, friends, and ultimately, God showing he loves all.
What do our children say about this value and how their actions show it?
“You can show love by being kind, standing up for others and caring for others. Love makes us feel happy and safe.”
“Love in our school community means selflessness.”
“Love can make you act differently; positively!”
“If someone has no one to play with, play with them. If someone is hurt, take care of them. Give someone a hug who needs it. We treat others as part of our family.”
Our Rector has created this video to tell us more information about our value of Love.

| Our Linked Values |
COURAGE Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 | Responsibility Justice Perseverance Wisdom |
Why did we choose this value?
Courage is an important value because it enables us to try new things and experiences and know that by doing so, we can show that we love to learn. We learn to have the courage stand up for what is right and just and that it is our responsibility to acknowledge times of injustice. Courage guides us and our actions to demonstrate our ‘Love to learn’ in all areas of our lives.
What makes Courage a distinct Christian value?
In the Bible, courage is also called “good cheer” as in Mark 6:50 when Jesus gave the command to the disciples who saw Him walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee and coming toward them. The Greek word translated “courage” and “good cheer” means literally “boldness and confidence.” In the Bible, courage is the opposite of fear. When God commands us to fear not, to be of good cheer, and to have courage, He is always commanding against fear.
But God doesn’t simply command courage with no reason behind it. In nearly every incident where God says “fear not,” there follows a reason to have courage, and that reason is God Himself, His nature and His perfect plans.
What do our children say about this value and how their actions show it?
“God gives us the courage to do anything.”
“You might want to do something on your own, but find it difficult. It takes courage to ask for help”
“Courage means facing your fears and standing up for what’s right!”
“Courage is standing up for your beliefs and for those who can’t speak up for themselves. Courage is never giving up. Courage is believing you can do anything. Courage is being brave even when you you’re worried or scared. We can show courage by encouraging others and helping others and speaking up.”
Our Rector has created this video to tell us more information about our value of Courage.

School Christian Value | Linked Values |
HOPE May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13 | Thankfulness Peace Trust Faith |
Why did we choose this value?
We have high hopes and aspirations for our future, our school and community. We also understand that faith gives us hope for both now and for the future, and that this hope brings confidence. Hope for us means that there is always a future whatever situation we are in, because God promised to never leave us, to always love us, and to help us in times of need.
By nurturing this value, children, staff, parents and all members of our school family will look back on memories they have made throughout their time with us, knowing that, like God, we will always be there in times of need.
What makes Courage a distinct Christian value?
Christian hope is rooted in God’s love for us. Christians believe that: God has our best interests at heart; God will never leave us; God will provide for us when we are in need; God knows us (even the number of hairs on our head!); and God promises us of a better life to come. When we are in our darkest time, God is there, and will help us. Hope is grounded in the character of God.
What do our children say about this value and how their actions show it?
“You can hope for things for yourself but also for others.”
“Hope is positive, it helps me have a happy, positive outlook on life!”
“We learn from Bible Stories to help us understand hope. In the story, ‘The woman who touched Jesus’ cloak’, she hoped that by touching Jesus’ she would be healed. God is always there to support and help up.”
Our Rector has created this video to tell us more information about our value of Hope.

School Christian Value | Linked Values |
Service Serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 | Humility Respect Friendship Generosity |
Why did we choose this value?
Service is an important value at St Margaret’s CE Junior school and one we demonstrate in our school family and community in many ways. We do this, without benefitting ourselves, by helping those who need it without our family and community. By serving others, we show this value in action and demonstrate the love that underpins everything we do at our school.
What makes service a distinct Christian value?
God expects those who love Him to provide service to others. By providing service to others, we become God's hands reaching out to others. God has a special place in His heart for the most vulnerable members of society and charges his followers with providing service to them. The purpose of service is so God can reach others through our hands. The Bible says that the service we provide not only meets needs but expresses thanks to God and leads others to praise God.
What do our children say about this value and how their actions show it?
“Service means helping/ assisting others and our community. It is about giving something back and helping.”
“Taking time and helping friends and family by spending time with them. Service is not just about spending money and giving things.”
“You can show service by giving generously.”
“Showing service means giving help to those who truly need it and to watch over others to ensure that they are supported in difficult situations.”
Our Rector has created this video to tell us more information about our value of Service.