The Federation of Briar Hill Infant and St Margaret’s C of E Junior Schools

Get in touch

Briar Hill Infant School


Our Senior Leadership Team

Our SENDCo and Pastoral Team

Our Teaching Team

Learning and Inclusion Mentors 

Miss Layton and Mrs Marshall

Our Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Greaves, Mrs Old, Mrs Stewart, Miss Heer, Mrs Hancox, Mrs Bridges and Mrs Xiao

Ms Bradley, Miss Bembridge, Miss Rowley, Miss Gascoigne and Miss Higgins

Mrs White, Mrs Farmer, Mrs Tran, Mrs Geach and Mrs Arthurson

Our Admin and Site Team

Ms Molyneux (Federation Business Manager), Mrs Clark (Office Manager), Mrs Tran, (Attendance Support), Mrs Constable (Bursar), Miss Fallaize (Single Central Record)

Our Midday Team

Miss Adams, Mrs Cross, Mrs Sandhu, Mrs Cotrill, Mrs Old,  Miss Heer, Mrs Hancox, Ms Bradley, Miss Bembridge, Miss Rowley, Mrs Geach, Mrs Xiao and Mrs Arthurson


View Our Slideshow.

Welcome to Briar Hill and St Margaret's!...Our Federation vision: 'Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!'...Our St Margaret's Christian vision: 'How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.' (Psalm 133)