The Federation of Briar Hill Infant and St Margaret’s C of E Junior Schools

Get in touch

St Margaret’s CE Junior School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! 


Welcome to Year 3’s page on our school website. Here you can find photographs of the Year 3 classes in action, copies of letters we send home, key information for daily routines and the Year 3 curriculum, useful websites and examples of our wonderful work. 


Should you have any issues please contact the Year 3 team on 


Thank you for your continued support.

Team Year 3 🙂

Please click on the school logo below for information about our Year 3 learning each term.

Explore the exciting learning we have been doing in Year 3 by clicking HERE

Useful Information



At St Margaret’s, we ask that pupils read daily at home, read to an adult at least three times a week and that this is recorded in their home school diary. We use the Accelerated Reader programme, enabling children to access the most suitable range of reading books for them to improve their comprehension skills. It also allows them to take on-line quizzes, in school, about the books they have read.



All children should wear the correct uniform, including proper black school shoes. Long hair should be tied back and hair accessories should be purple or black. Nail varnish is not permitted. Children are allowed to wear earrings (small studs only) to school. If they do so on days they have PE, they must either bring in plasters, from home, to cover them or take the studs out during the lesson. They are responsible for doing this themselves. Our suggestion is that they do not wear their earrings to school on PE days. Please ensure all uniform is named for ease of return when items are left on the playground/classroom etc.


Homework & School Diaries

Homework times will vary according to the demands of the tasks but as a rough guide, no task should take more than 20-30 minutes. Reading, spelling and Study ladder are set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday and DAILY TimesTable Rockstars practise (not Mathletics). Children do also have Mathletics logins that they can use in addition if they want to. 

We use on-line programs for English and Maths home learning. Children will be given log in details to stick in their diaries so they can access them at home. If your child does not have access to a computer or tablet, please let us know by emailing the year group email address. We will also send letters to help home adults with getting children started on these websites in due course. Please check your child’s diary every week to see what homework has been set and for occasional messages (which we will also text home). Please can a home adult sign your child’s diary weekly. Staff will check diaries every Friday. Pupils can earn a housepoint if reading is recorded at least 3 times every week. At St Margaret’s we allow either home adults or pupils to record their reading. If you are busy, please encourage your child to write the book title and the page numbers they have read that evening.


Click here for Mathletics Login

Click here for Study Ladder Login

Click here for Times Tables Rock Stars Login



On outdoor PE days, please send your child to school in their outdoor PE uniform. This is black jogging bottoms/leggings/shorts with a white round-neck t-shirt and black zip-up hoodie with trainers. Please refer to our federation Sports Uniform video here.

PE days are as follows:

SM1 - Tuesday and Friday

SM2 - Thursday and Friday

SM3 - Tuesday and Friday


Nut Free School

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school. Pupils are allowed to bring in snacks of fruit, vegetables, plain bread sticks or cheese to eat at morning break. Thank you for your support with this.


Contacting Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need to. You can do this by writing a message in your child’s home school diary (which they will receive next week) - please ask them to show the message to their teacher, by emailing the Year 3 email address or by ringing the school office (we will then call you back when we are free to do so).

Email:  Tel: 01926 426216

Here is a taster of the wonderful learning opportunities that the Year 3 children have experienced so far this year. Please click on the term tabs at the top of the page to see more photos and videos.

Courageous Advocacy

In the Spring Term, Year 3 wrote letters to Mrs Anstee about our Courageous Advocacy Project linked to Wangari’s Trees of Peace. We have been learning about deforestation and thinking about how this effects the environment and what we can do to help.


In their letters to Mrs Anstee, children in SM1 and SM2 explained that they wanted to raise some money for some raised plant beds at school so that residents of Cherry Tree Lodge could come and garden with them. Children in SM3 wanted to raise money for a garden party with the residents of Cherry Tree Lodge.


Each class also chose a tree sapling to be planted on the school site linked to the Queen’s Jubilee, which will be planted during the Summer Term!

Storytime with the teachers on the Learning in Action page...

Prayers you might find useful

Additional Spelling Activities

Please see below for a list of great activities and games which can be used at home with your child to aide and enhance their spelling accuracy.


Interactive/ online tools



Activities which do not need a computer

(Your child should be used to these games from our spelling lessons)


  • Pyramid spelling- Start by ordering your spellings from the easiest to the hardest. Look once at your easiest word, cover and write once. Look at your second word, cover and write twice underneath, repeat with your third word- writing 3 times underneath, 4th word- 4 times and so on..
  • Spelling sentences- Ask an adult or older sibling to help you with this. Version 1- your adult reads aloud the spelling word, you must write a sentence using that word. Version 2- your adult reads you a sentence with your spelling word in, you must correctly spell your word.
  • Spelling ping-pong- take one word at a time, work with an adult to spell out your word one letter at a time with each person saying one letter at a time until the word is correctly spelt.
  • Spelling jumble- ask an adult to write out a range of spelling words on a piece of paper- they should write each word correctly AND incorrectly a few times each. Your job is to circle the words which are spelt correctly and correct any mistakes.



View Our Slideshow.

Welcome to Briar Hill and St Margaret's!...Our Federation vision: 'Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!'...Our St Margaret's Christian vision: 'How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.' (Psalm 133)