The Federation of Briar Hill Infant and St Margaret’s C of E Junior Schools

Get in touch

Briar Hill Infant School

School Clubs

At Briar Hill we offer a range of in school, lunchtime and after school clubs. Please click on the links below for more information. Booking forms are sent out before the end of each half term offering the next range of clubs. Most clubs are free but if a school-led club requires replaceable resources it may cost £1:00 a session, this will be made clear on the booking form.


Note: Cost per session for externally ran clubs, are provide by the external provider when the club information is shared. 


View Our Slideshow.

Welcome to Briar Hill and St Margaret's!...Our Federation vision: 'Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!'...Our St Margaret's Christian vision: 'How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.' (Psalm 133)