St Margaret’s CE Junior School

Genesis 2:15
'Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.'
A small group of children regularly join Mrs Barrett to harvest and plant new crops, create crafts using natural materials and ensure the school grounds are looking tidy.
We have been lucky enough to have had a team from JLR as well as other helpful volunteers in school to help construct an area of raised beds for us to grow a range of flowers and produce.
As a relatively new venture, we are just beginning to see how rewarding are efforts can be. Please see below for a few examples of some of the produce we have grown already this year. The children were able to harvest and taste the fruits of their hard work. We look forward to developing our ‘growing calendar’ in the years to come!
School Meadow
Our school meadow has been a 'work in progress' over the last year and a half. Thanks to help and support from a number of individuals, local companies and nationwide grant schemes, we have been able to transform an unused patch of school field into a welcoming, vibrant and diverse wild-flower habitat.
A perfect compliment to our copse, the meadow consists of 3 outdoor spaces where our classes can enjoy stories, reflect or complete investigations liked to their learning. This wonderful outdoor space is enjoyed by all and we are very excited to watch it grow and devlop over the coming years.
Please enjoy the photos above of the journey so far!
Jeremiah 31:12
'Their soul shall be as a watered garden; and they shall not sorrow any more at all.'
Planting trees to commemorate the Queen's Jubilee - April 2022
Some of our Year 3 and 4 gardeners helped the local rotary club to plant a tree as part of the Queen's Green Canopy. This is part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations. You can follow this link to find a map of all the trees planted to create this canopy.
Visitor from Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust
The children from gardening club were visited by the head gardener at Shakespeare's Birthplace Trust in Stratford Upon Avon. The children had a lovely talk about the possibilities of gardening and what a career in gardening might look like. They then participated in a number of activities, all of which were provided by SBT. The children thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with the visitors and we are exploring possibilities to visit SBT in the future.