St Margaret’s CE Junior School
Medical Matters
At school, we can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor. Before any such medication is sent into school, parents and carers need to complete a medication form at the admin office; indicating clearly the name of the medication, frequency and measure of dosage.
All prescribed medicines (except for inhalers and epipens) must be kept in the school office. No other medication should be sent into school with children, including liquid paracetamol, eye drops, throat sweets etc.
Inhalers must be kept in a safe place with the class teacher. Epipens are stored by the child’s class teacher for ease of access. Parents and careers are responsible for ensuring that inhalers and epipens are kept up to date. We recommend that they keep a regular check on expiry dates of these types of medication.
Please inform school of any allergies that your child may have when completing the data checking form or throughout the school year as needed.
If you child is returning to school after an incident resulting in lack of mobility or an additional health concern or vulnerability (e.g. after breaking an arm or after a surgical procedure) then parents/carers need to talk to the child’s class teacher or year group lead and complete a risk assessment, ensuring that your child’s safety and well-being is clearly considered.
Please regularly check your child’s hair for head lice. Letters are sent to classes if head lice are detected in the year group. Please use recommended products to rid your child of the problem before they return to school and check regularly by combing through the hair twice daily.