The Federation of Briar Hill Infant and St Margaret’s C of E Junior Schools

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Briar Hill Infant School

Safeguarding and Online Safety

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

Mrs Owers (Executive Headteacher)


Additional Safeguarding Officers are:  

Mrs Willis (Head of School)

Mrs Harwood (Assistant Head)

Mrs Leng (Key Stage One Lead)

Mrs Greaves (Early Help Lead)

Miss Gascoigne (Learning Support Assistant)

Ms McEwan (Federated SENDCo)

Mrs Cairns (Assistant SENDCo)

Mrs Williams (Federated Pastoral Lead)

Mrs Xiao (Higher Level Learning Support Assistant-SEND)


All staff are trained and committed to the safeguarding of all children in our school.

All trainees and volunteers are provided with an precise induction to ensure that all adults implement our practice and policy and safeguard our school community. 

Safeguarding and Online Safety

At Briar Hill the children are taught about keeping safe online from Reception onwards. The children are taught protective behaviours following the 'Taking Care' project to manage their own personal safety.  For online safety we use several methods including books, videos, games and activities to support their learning The children are taught how to use technology safely, responsibly and respectfully and are given strategies to report concerns or any inappropriate behaviour.  We have provided links to sites for further support and information to keep your children safe when they are online at home.

Online Safety Information for Parents/Carers


View Our Slideshow.

Welcome to Briar Hill and St Margaret's!...Our Federation vision: 'Flourish as a family, love to learn, make memories, shine!'...Our St Margaret's Christian vision: 'How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.' (Psalm 133)